Design Pattern / Creational - Singleton Pattern 單例模式

Singleton 保證一個 Class 只會有一個 Instance,並提供一個存取該 Instance 的全域節點。
Singleton 解決了兩個問題,但也因此違反了 Single Responsibility Principle。



  1. 將預設 constructor 設為 private,防止其他 object 使用 Singleton class 的 new operator
  2. 建立一個 static 建構方法作為 constructor。該函數會調用 private constructor 來建立物件,並將其儲存在一個靜態 field。之後所有對於該函數的調用都會回傳這一個 cache 物件。

如果程式碼能夠存取 Singleton class,那就用呼叫 Singleton 的靜態方法。無論何時調用該方法,都會回傳相同的物件。

Real-World Analogy

政府是 Singleton pattern 的一個很好的比喻。一個國家只有一個政府機關,不管組成政府的每個人的身份是什麼,該政府 X 是識別這些掌管者的全域存取節點。




適用於建立一個物件需要消耗的資源過多的時候,例如要存取 IO 和資料庫等資源

  • 如果程式中的某個 class 對於所有 Client 只有一個可用的 Instance,可以使用 Singleton
    • Singleton pattern 禁止透過除了特殊 constructor 方法以外的任何方式來建立自身 class 的物件。該方法可以建立一個新物件,但如果該物件已經被建立,則回傳已有的物件
  • 如果需要更加嚴格的控制全域變數,可以使用 Singleton pattern
    • Singleton pattern 跟全域變數不同,它只保證 class 存在一個 Instance。除了 Singleton class自己以外,無法透過其他方式替換 cache 的 Instance。
      需要注意的是,隨時可以調整限制並設定生成 Singleton instance 的數量,只需要修改 獲得 instance 方法,亦即 getInstance 中的程式即可。

How to Implement

  1. 在 Class 中增加一個 private 靜態欄位來儲存 instance
  2. 宣告一個 public 靜態建立方法來獲得 singleton instance
  3. 在靜態方法中實現 "延遲初始化"。該方法會在首次被調用的時候建立一個新物件,並將其儲存在靜態欄位。之後該方法每次被調用都會回傳該 instance
  4. 將 class 的 constructor 設定為 private。Class 的靜態方法依舊能調用 constructor,但是其他物件不能
  5. 檢查 Client 程式碼,將對 singleton 的 constructor 的調用方式替換成其靜態建立方法

Pros and Cons


  • 可以保證一個 class 只有一個 instance
  • 得到一個指向該 Instance 的全域存取節點
  • 只在首次請求 Singleton 物件的時候進行初始化


  • 違反了 Single Responsibility Principle
  • Singleton 可能會掩蓋不良的設計,比如程式元件彼此的關聯過多
  • 該 pattern 在多執行緒情況下需要進行特別處理,避免多個執行緒多次建立 instance
  • Singleton 的 Client 程式碼單元測試可能會比較困難。因為許多測試框架會用基於繼承的方式來建立模擬物件。由於 Singleton 的 constructor 是 private 的,而且絕大部分的語言無法重寫靜態方法,所以需要想出仔細考慮模擬 Singleton 的方法。或是就不要撰寫測試或不要使用 Singleton pattern

Relations with Other Patterns

  • Facade class 通常可以轉換成 Singleton,因為大多數情況下一個 Facade instance 就足夠了
  • 如果能將物件的所有共享狀態簡化成一個 Flyweight 物件,那麼 Flyweight 就和 Singleton 類似了。但這兩者的根本性質是不同的。

    1. 只有一個 Singleton instance,但是 Flyweight 可以有多個 Instance,各個 instance 的內在狀態也可以不同。
    2. Singleton 物件是可變的,Flyweight 物件是不可變的
  • Abstract Factory、Builder & Prototype 都可以用 Singleton 來實現

Code Examples



class SingletonMeta(type):
    The Singleton class can be implemented in different ways in Python. Some
    possible methods include: base class, decorator, metaclass. We will use the
    metaclass because it is best suited for this purpose.

    _instances = {}

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        Possible changes to the value of the `__init__` argument do not affect
        the returned instance.
        if cls not in cls._instances:
            instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
            cls._instances[cls] = instance
        return cls._instances[cls]

class Singleton(metaclass=SingletonMeta):
    def some_business_logic(self):
        Finally, any singleton should define some business logic, which can be
        executed on its instance.

        # ...

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # The client code.

    s1 = Singleton()
    s2 = Singleton()

    if id(s1) == id(s2):
        print("Singleton works, both variables contain the same instance.")
        print("Singleton failed, variables contain different instances.")


from threading import Lock, Thread

class SingletonMeta(type):
    This is a thread-safe implementation of Singleton.

    _instances = {}

    _lock: Lock = Lock()
    We now have a lock object that will be used to synchronize threads during
    first access to the Singleton.

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        Possible changes to the value of the `__init__` argument do not affect
        the returned instance.
        # Now, imagine that the program has just been launched. Since there's no
        # Singleton instance yet, multiple threads can simultaneously pass the
        # previous conditional and reach this point almost at the same time. The
        # first of them will acquire lock and will proceed further, while the
        # rest will wait here.
        with cls._lock:
            # The first thread to acquire the lock, reaches this conditional,
            # goes inside and creates the Singleton instance. Once it leaves the
            # lock block, a thread that might have been waiting for the lock
            # release may then enter this section. But since the Singleton field
            # is already initialized, the thread won't create a new object.
            if cls not in cls._instances:
                instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
                cls._instances[cls] = instance
        return cls._instances[cls]

class Singleton(metaclass=SingletonMeta):
    value: str = None
    We'll use this property to prove that our Singleton really works.

    def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
        self.value = value

    def some_business_logic(self):
        Finally, any singleton should define some business logic, which can be
        executed on its instance.

def test_singleton(value: str) -> None:
    singleton = Singleton(value)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # The client code.

    print("If you see the same value, then singleton was reused (yay!)\n"
          "If you see different values, "
          "then 2 singletons were created (booo!!)\n\n"

    process1 = Thread(target=test_singleton, args=("FOO",))
    process2 = Thread(target=test_singleton, args=("BAR",))


 * The Singleton class defines the `getInstance` method that lets clients access
 * the unique singleton instance.
class Singleton {
    private static instance: Singleton;

     * The Singleton's constructor should always be private to prevent direct
     * construction calls with the `new` operator.
    private constructor() { }

     * The static method that controls the access to the singleton instance.
     * This implementation let you subclass the Singleton class while keeping
     * just one instance of each subclass around.
    public static getInstance(): Singleton {
        if (!Singleton.instance) {
            Singleton.instance = new Singleton();

        return Singleton.instance;

     * Finally, any singleton should define some business logic, which can be
     * executed on its instance.
    public someBusinessLogic() {
        // ...

 * The client code.
function clientCode() {
    const s1 = Singleton.getInstance();
    const s2 = Singleton.getInstance();

    if (s1 === s2) {
        console.log('Singleton works, both variables contain the same instance.');
    } else {
        console.log('Singleton failed, variables contain different instances.');



package main

import (

var lock = &sync.Mutex{}

type single struct {

var singleInstance *single

func getInstance() *single {
    if singleInstance == nil {
        defer lock.Unlock()
        if singleInstance == nil {
            fmt.Println("Creating single instance now.")
            singleInstance = &single{}
        } else {
            fmt.Println("Single instance already created.")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Single instance already created.")

    return singleInstance



import XCTest

/// The Singleton class defines the `shared` field that lets clients access the
/// unique singleton instance.
class Singleton {

    /// The static field that controls the access to the singleton instance.
    /// This implementation let you extend the Singleton class while keeping
    /// just one instance of each subclass around.
    static var shared: Singleton = {
        let instance = Singleton()
        // ... configure the instance
        // ...
        return instance

    /// The Singleton's initializer should always be private to prevent direct
    /// construction calls with the `new` operator.
    private init() {}

    /// Finally, any singleton should define some business logic, which can be
    /// executed on its instance.
    func someBusinessLogic() -> String {
        // ...
        return "Result of the 'someBusinessLogic' call"

/// Singletons should not be cloneable.
extension Singleton: NSCopying {

    func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
        return self

/// The client code.
class Client {
    // ...
    static func someClientCode() {
        let instance1 = Singleton.shared
        let instance2 = Singleton.shared

        if (instance1 === instance2) {
            print("Singleton works, both variables contain the same instance.")
        } else {
            print("Singleton failed, variables contain different instances.")
    // ...

/// Let's see how it all works together.
class SingletonConceptual: XCTestCase {

    func testSingletonConceptual() {

Real World

import XCTest

/// Singleton Design Pattern
/// Intent: Ensure that class has a single instance, and provide a global point
/// of access to it.

class SingletonRealWorld: XCTestCase {

    func testSingletonRealWorld() {

        /// There are two view controllers.
        /// MessagesListVC displays a list of last messages from a user's chats.
        /// ChatVC displays a chat with a friend.
        /// FriendsChatService fetches messages from a server and provides all
        /// subscribers (view controllers in our example) with new and removed
        /// messages.
        /// FriendsChatService is used by both view controllers. It can be
        /// implemented as an instance of a class as well as a global variable.
        /// In this example, it is important to have only one instance that
        /// performs resource-intensive work.

        let listVC = MessagesListVC()
        let chatVC = ChatVC()


        /// ... add view controllers to the navigation stack ...

class BaseVC: UIViewController, MessageSubscriber {

    func accept(new messages: [Message]) {
        /// handle new messages in the base class

    func accept(removed messages: [Message]) {
        /// handle removed messages in the base class

    func startReceiveMessages() {

        /// The singleton can be injected as a dependency. However, from an
        /// informational perspective, this example calls FriendsChatService
        /// directly to illustrate the intent of the pattern, which is: "
        /// provide the global point of access to the instance..."

        FriendsChatService.shared.add(subscriber: self)

class MessagesListVC: BaseVC {

    override func accept(new messages: [Message]) {
        print("MessagesListVC accepted 'new messages'")
        /// handle new messages in the child class

    override func accept(removed messages: [Message]) {
        print("MessagesListVC accepted 'removed messages'")
        /// handle removed messages in the child class

    override func startReceiveMessages() {
        print("MessagesListVC starts receive messages")

class ChatVC: BaseVC {

    override func accept(new messages: [Message]) {
        print("ChatVC accepted 'new messages'")
        /// handle new messages in the child class

    override func accept(removed messages: [Message]) {
        print("ChatVC accepted 'removed messages'")
        /// handle removed messages in the child class

    override func startReceiveMessages() {
        print("ChatVC starts receive messages")

/// Protocol for call-back events

protocol MessageSubscriber {

    func accept(new messages: [Message])
    func accept(removed messages: [Message])

/// Protocol for communication with a message service

protocol MessageService {

    func add(subscriber: MessageSubscriber)

/// Message domain model

struct Message {

    let id: Int
    let text: String

class FriendsChatService: MessageService {

    static let shared = FriendsChatService()

    private var subscribers = [MessageSubscriber]()

    func add(subscriber: MessageSubscriber) {

        /// In this example, fetching starts again by adding a new subscriber

        /// Please note, the first subscriber will receive messages again when
        /// the second subscriber is added

    func startFetching() {

        /// Set up the network stack, establish a connection...
        /// ...and retrieve data from a server

        let newMessages = [Message(id: 0, text: "Text0"),
                           Message(id: 5, text: "Text5"),
                           Message(id: 10, text: "Text10")]

        let removedMessages = [Message(id: 1, text: "Text0")]

        /// Send updated data to subscribers
        receivedNew(messages: newMessages)
        receivedRemoved(messages: removedMessages)

private extension FriendsChatService {

    func receivedNew(messages: [Message]) {

        subscribers.forEach { item in
            item.accept(new: messages)

    func receivedRemoved(messages: [Message]) {

        subscribers.forEach { item in
            item.accept(removed: messages)


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