LeetCode Solution, Easy, 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

You are given an array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the ith day.

You want to maximize your profit by choosing a single day to buy one stock and choosing a different day in the future to sell that stock.

Return the maximum profit you can achieve from this transaction. If you cannot achieve any profit, return 0.

Example 1:

Input: prices = [7,1,5,3,6,4]
Output: 5
Explanation: Buy on day 2 (price = 1) and sell on day 5 (price = 6), profit = 6-1 = 5.
Note that buying on day 2 and selling on day 1 is not allowed because you must buy before you sell.

Example 2:

Input: prices = [7,6,4,3,1]
Output: 0
Explanation: In this case, no transactions are done and the max profit = 0.


  • 1 <= prices.length <= 10^5
  • 0 <= prices[i] <= 10^4



題目就是會給一個陣列 prices,其中的每個元素都表示當天股票的價格。然後要找出在一次買賣的操作中可以獲得的最大獲利。如果沒有辦法獲利的話就回傳 0




func maxProfit(prices []int) int {
    minPrice := math.MaxInt32
    theMaxProfit := 0
    for _, price := range prices {
        if price < minPrice {
            minPrice = price
        } else if price-minPrice > theMaxProfit {
            theMaxProfit = price - minPrice

    return theMaxProfit
 * @param {number[]} prices
 * @return {number}
var maxProfit = function (prices) {
    let minPrice = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
        theMaxProfit = 0;
    for (let price of prices) {
        if (price < minPrice) {
            minPrice = price;
        } else if (price - minPrice > theMaxProfit) {
            theMaxProfit = price - minPrice;

    return theMaxProfit;
class Solution {
    fun maxProfit(prices: IntArray): Int {
        var minPrice = Int.MAX_VALUE
        var theMaxProfit = 0

        for (price in prices) {
            if (price < minPrice) {
                minPrice = price
            } else if (price - minPrice > theMaxProfit) {
                theMaxProfit = price - minPrice

        return theMaxProfit
class Solution

     * @param Integer[] $prices
     * @return Integer
    function maxProfit($prices)
        $minPrice = PHP_INT_MAX;
        $maxProfit = 0;

        foreach ($prices as $price) {
            if ($price < $minPrice) {
                $minPrice = $price;
            } elseif ($price - $minPrice > $maxProfit) {
                $maxProfit = $price - $minPrice;

        return $maxProfit;
class Solution:
    def maxProfit(self, prices: List[int]) -> int:
        min_price = float('inf')
        max_profit = 0
        for i in range(len(prices)):
            if prices[i] < min_price:
                min_price = prices[i]
            elif prices[i] - min_price > max_profit:
                max_profit = prices[i] - min_price

        return max_profit
impl Solution {
    pub fn max_profit(prices: Vec<i32>) -> i32 {
        let mut max_profit = 0;
        let mut min_price = std::i32::MAX;
        for price in prices {
            if price < min_price {
                min_price = price;
            } else if price - min_price > max_profit {
                max_profit = price - min_price;
class Solution {
    func maxProfit(_ prices: [Int]) -> Int {
        var minPrice = Int.max
        var theMaxProfit = 0

        for price in prices {
            if price < minPrice {
                minPrice = price
            } else if price - minPrice > theMaxProfit {
                theMaxProfit = price - minPrice

        return theMaxProfit

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