LeetCode Solution, Easy, 282. Expression Add Operators


282. Expression Add Operators


Given a string num that contains only digits and an integer target, return all possibilities to add the binary operators '+', '-', or '*'between the digits of num so that the resultant expression evaluates to the target value.

Example 1:

Input: num = "123", target = 6
Output: ["1*2*3","1+2+3"]

Example 2:

Input: num = "232", target = 8
Output: ["2*3+2","2+3*2"]

Example 3:

Input: num = "105", target = 5
Output: ["1*0+5","10-5"]

Example 4:

Input: num = "00", target = 0
Output: ["0*0","0+0","0-0"]

Example 5:

Input: num = "3456237490", target = 9191
Output: []


  • 1 <= num.length <= 10
  • num consists of only digits.
  • -2^31 <= target <= 2^31 - 1

Hint 1:

Note that a number can contain multiple digits.

Hint 2:

Since the question asks us to find all of the valid expressions, we need a way to iterate over all of them. (Hint: Recursion!)

Hint 3:

We can keep track of the expression string and evaluate it at the very end. But that would take a lot of time. Can we keep track of the expression's value as well so as to avoid the evaluation at the very end of recursion?

Hint 4:

Think carefully about the multiply operator. It has a higher precedence than the addition and subtraction operators. 1 + 2 = 3 1 + 2 - 4 --> 3 - 4 --> -1 1 + 2 - 4 12 --> -1 12 --> -12 (WRONG!) 1 + 2 - 4 12 --> -1 - (-4) + (-4 12) --> 3 + (-48) --> -45 (CORRECT!)

Hint 5:

We simply need to keep track of the last operand in our expression and reverse it's effect on the expression's value while considering the multiply operator.


題目會給兩個參數,一個是字串 num,這個字串中都只包含數字。另一個參數是 target。然後想要找出在字串 num 中所有數字之間,可以插入 +, -* 的 operator。最後可以等於 target 的所有組合。


這題的解法主要就是會使用到遞迴的方式,一層一層的去找出各種可能的答案。先以 python 的範例來說。在每次的遞迴時,先去判斷 index 是不是到最後了,如果是再來判斷總合是否與 target 相等,並且沒有剩下要執行的 operator,就會是要回傳的組合,儲存在 answers 裡面。在每次的遞迴裡面去分別計算如果插入 operator -, +* 的各種情境。


class Solution:
    def addOperators(self, num: str, target: int) -> List[str]:
        N = len(num)
        answers = []

        def recurse(index, prev_operand, current_operand, value, string):

            # Done processing all the digits in num
            if index == N:

                # If the final value == target expected AND
                # no operand is left unprocessed
                if value == target and current_operand == 0:

            # Extending the current operand by one digit
            current_operand = current_operand*10 + int(num[index])
            str_op = str(current_operand)

            # To avoid cases where we have 1 + 05 or 1 * 05 since 05 won't be a
            # valid operand. Hence this check
            if current_operand > 0:

                # NO OP recursion
                recurse(index + 1, prev_operand,
                        current_operand, value, string)

            # ADDITION
            recurse(index + 1, current_operand, 0,
                    value + current_operand, string + ['+', str_op])

            # Can subtract or multiply only if there are some previous operands
            if string:

                # SUBTRACTION
                recurse(index + 1, -current_operand, 0,
                        value - current_operand, string + ['-', str_op])

                # MULTIPLICATION
                recurse(index + 1, current_operand * prev_operand, 0, value -
                        prev_operand + (current_operand * prev_operand), string + ['*', str_op])
        recurse(0, 0, 0, 0, [])
        return answers
 * @param {string} num
 * @param {number} target
 * @return {string[]}
var addOperators = function (num, target) {
    const result = [];

    const backtrack = function (index, previous, current, path) {
        if (index === num.length && current === target) {

        for (let i = index; i < num.length; i++) {
            if (i !== index && num[index] === '0') break;
            const cur = parseInt(num.substring(index, i + 1));
            if (index === 0) {
                backtrack(i + 1, cur, cur, `${path}${cur}`);
            } else {
                backtrack(i + 1, cur, current + cur, `${path}+${cur}`);
                backtrack(i + 1, -cur, current - cur, `${path}-${cur}`);
                    i + 1,
                    previous * cur,
                    current - previous + previous * cur,

    backtrack(0, 0, 0, '');
    return result;
func addOperators(num string, target int) []string {
    var ret = []string{}
    var buf = make([]byte, len(num)*2) // shared bytes buffer

    search(num, target, &ret, 0, 0, buf, 0)

    return ret

// `l` is the length of valid content in `buf`
func search(num string, target int, ret *[]string, sum, diff int, buf []byte, l int) {
    if len(num) == 0 {
        if sum == target {
            *ret = append(*ret, string(buf[0:l]))

    var n = 0
    // try all valid digit combinations
    for i := 0; i < len(num); i++ {
        n = n*10 + int(num[i]-'0')
        var digits = num[0 : i+1]

        if l == 0 {
            copy(buf[l:], digits)
            search(num[i+1:], target, ret, sum+n, n, buf, l+i+1)
        } else {
            copy(buf[l+1:], digits) // one copy for the three operators

            buf[l] = '+'
            search(num[i+1:], target, ret, sum+n, n, buf, l+1+i+1) // add `1 operator + (i+1) digits` to the length of buffer

            buf[l] = '-'
            search(num[i+1:], target, ret, sum-n, -n, buf, l+1+i+1)

            buf[l] = '*'
            search(num[i+1:], target, ret, sum-diff+diff*n, diff*n, buf, l+1+i+1)

        if i == 0 && num[i] == '0' { // skip any number starts with 0
class Solution {
    func addOperators(_ num: String, _ target: Int) -> [String] {
        var numArr = Array(num).map {Int(String($0))!}
        var result = [String]()
        helper(numArr, target, 0, 0, 0, "", &result)

        return result

    func helper(_ num: [Int],
                _ target: Int,
                _ index: Int,
                _ eval: Int,
                _ prevNum: Int,
                _ path: String,
                _ result: inout [String]) {
        if target == eval && num.count == index {

        if index == num.count {

        for i in index..<num.count {
            if index != i && num[index] == 0 {

            var val = 0
            for j in index..<i+1 where j < num.count {
                val *= 10
                val += num[j]

            if index == 0 {
                helper(num, target, i+1, val, val, "\(val)", &result)
            } else {
                helper(num, target, i+1, eval+val, val, path+"+\(val)", &result)
                helper(num, target, i+1, eval-val, -val, path+"-\(val)", &result)
                helper(num, target, i+1, eval-prevNum+(val*prevNum), (val*prevNum), path+"*\(val)", &result)
class Solution {
    var answer = mutableListOf<String>()
    var digits = ""
    var target: Long = 0

    fun addOperators(num: String, target: Int): List<String> {
        if (num.length == 0) emptyList<String>()

        this.target = target.toLong()
        this.digits = num
        this.recurse(0, 0, 0, 0, mutableListOf<String>())
        return this.answer

    fun recurse(index: Int, prev: Long, cur: Long, value: Long, ops: MutableList<String>) {
        val nums = this.digits
        var prevOp = prev
        var curOp = cur

        // Done processing all the digits in num
        if (index == nums.length) {

            // If the final value == target expected AND
            // no operand is left unprocessed
            if (value == this.target && curOp == 0L) {
                val sb = StringBuilder()
                ops.subList(1, ops.size).forEach { v -> sb.append(v) }

        // Extending the current operand by one digit
        curOp = curOp * 10 + Character.getNumericValue(nums[index])
        var rep = curOp.toString()
        val length = nums.length

        // To avoid cases where we have 1 + 05 or 1 * 05 since 05 won't be a
        // valid operand. Hence this check
        if (curOp > 0) {
            // NO OP recursion
            recurse(index + 1, prevOp, curOp, value, ops)

        // ADDITION
        recurse(index + 1, curOp, 0, value + curOp, ops)
        ops.removeAt(ops.size - 1)
        ops.removeAt(ops.size - 1)

        if (ops.size > 0) {
            // SUBTRACTION
            recurse(index + 1, -curOp, 0, value - curOp, ops)
            ops.removeAt(ops.size - 1)
            ops.removeAt(ops.size - 1)

            // MULTIPLICATION
            recurse(index + 1, curOp * prevOp, 0, value - prevOp + (curOp * prevOp), ops)
            ops.removeAt(ops.size - 1)
            ops.removeAt(ops.size - 1)

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