Design Pattern
- Layered architecture
- Event-driven architecture
- Microkernel architecture (or Plugin architecture)
- Microservices architecture
- Space-based architecture (or Cloud architecture pattern)
Layered architecture
最常使用在 monolithic 應用程式的架構,基本的概念是將應用程式的邏輯拆分成各個有各自角色的層級。例如 Persistence layer,將會負責應用程式和資料庫之間的溝通
Event-driven architecture
Microkernel Architecture
此模式的設計方式是拆分兩個主要的元件:核心系統和套件模組。舉例來說就像是瀏覽器和相關的 extensions。
Microservices Architecture
Space-Based Architecture
微服務系統設計 Best Practices
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Have a separate data store(s) for your microservice
- Use asynchronous communication to achieve loose coupling
- Fail fast by using a circuit breaker to achieve fault tolerance
- Proxy your microservice requests through an API Gateway
- Ensure your API changes are backwards compatible
- Version your microservices for breaking changes
- Have dedicated infrastructure hosting your microservice
- Create a separate release train
- Create Organizational Efficiencies